Healing Tree Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment Review - for Nail Fungus Treatment

Healing Tree Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment Review

Healing Tree Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment

Healing Tree Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment













            Nails help fight off bacteria that can harm the hands and feet. The lack of proper care can result in nail fungus infections which cause the breakdown of nails and severe irritation. Symptoms of nail fungus infections such as yellow, brittle nails and pain in the hands and feet can become extremely discomforting. These can be remedied with effective treatments that prevent and eliminate the spread of bacteria. In our review of Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment, we have assessed the reliability of this all-natural ointment to treat nail fungus infections.

            What’s in Healing Tree Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment?

            • Benzethonium Chloride – This topical anti-infective agent is used to combat the spread of infections and eliminate harmful bacteria.
            • Tea Tree Oil – This ingredient is used as a topical antiseptic in the treatment of fungal infections.
            • White Thyme Oil – Combined with other essential oils, this ingredient has antimicrobial properties that help fight septic infections.
            • Jojoba Oil – This essential oil forms a key ingredient in fighting bacterial growth in hair follicles as well as providing anti-inflammatory properties.

            These four natural ingredients aim to penetrate through the nail and into the nail bed, providing relief from pain and fighting the spread of bacterial infection. While these ingredients have powerful fungal fighting properties, they are only a few of the key ingredients used in most nail fungus treatments. Alternative products on the market include a number of other strong ingredients which have proven beneficial to the efficacy of these products. These ingredients, such as Undecylenic Acid and Sweet Almond Oil, should not be ignored when choosing an effective nail fungus treatment.

            How Do You Use Healing Tree Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment?

            Healing Tree does not provide information on the usage of Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment. As a general rule for nail ointments, the product should be applied directly to the nails and affected area. As much ointment as needed should be applied but we cannot stipulate how many times per day would provide optimal results.

            The Cost

            This product can be purchased from Healing Tree’s online store. The product is reasonably priced when compared to other nail fungal treatments on the market. A one (1) ounce bottle can be purchased for $16.95. Healing Tree does not offer any discounts or additional purchasing options which limits the individual’s ability to take advantage of money-saving deals.

            Is There a Guarantee?

            Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment is not backed by a guarantee and therefore the efficacy of this product is a major concern. With little reviews on the results, we are unable to accurately ascertain this product’s ability to fight infection and promote healthier nails beyond the natural ingredients. Its effectiveness can only be determined after receiving the product which makes this an unpredictable purchase.

            The Conclusion of Our Healing Tree Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment Review

            Upon reviewing Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment, we have noted that it includes a variety of antibacterial ingredients used in many products with the same goal; eliminating nail fungus. While it is priced reasonably, the lack of reviews and guarantee are a concern when analyzing the product’s ability to provide desired results. The lack of information on this product makes it difficult to determine the quantities of ingredients and their resulting efficacy.

            Brought to you by the health experts at Consumer Health Review.

            About Sari Thomson