Healthy Choice Naturals Omega Naturals Fish Oil 1000 Review - For Improved Health And Wellbeing

Healthy Choice Naturals Omega Naturals Fish Oil 1000 Review

Healthy Choice Naturals Omega Naturals Fish Oil 1000

Healthy Choice Naturals Omega Naturals Fish Oil 1000













Our review today is of a Omega 3 supplement brought to the market by Healthy Choice Naturals. They promise that Omega Naturals Fish Oil Supplement 1000 EPA/DHA is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and supports a healthy heart in particular.

Omega 3 oils and their fatty acids are critical to good overall functioning. In particular brain cognition, heart health, joint healthy and susceptibility to degenerative diseases are all a consequence of a lack of these oils and their critical fatty acids, and vitamins too. This is due to the free radical scavengers, anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties contained in the oils. Healthy Choice says Omega Naturals is 230% more powerful than other fish oils.

What’s in Healthy Choice Naturals Omega Naturals Fish Oil 1000?

1000 mg fish oils, including 400 mg EPA and 300 mg DHA – Fish oils are essential to good health and functioning, especially the critical fatty acids os EPA and DHA. They are responsible for lowering depression, fighting aging, fighting inflammation in the body, insulating the heart from disease, ensuring optimal brain health, decreasing cholesterol and improving joint health.

Gelatin – Derived from a bovine source and an edible suspension hold for the contents.
Natural vitamin E – This complements the existing anti oxidant qualities of the EPA and DHA.
Glycerin – Part of the capsule, non-active ingredient contents. It is often used to soften and bind.
Purified water – Part of the capsule, non-active ingredient contents.
Fish (herring, anchovy, sardine, salmon, mackerel) – The fatty tissue of these fish yield the oils which are extracted.

How Do You Use Healthy Choice Naturals Omega Naturals Fish Oil 1000?

Take 1 capsule up to twice a day, preferably with meals or as prescribed by a doctor. If fish is an allergen for you, avoid. EPA can further lower blood pressure if you’re on blood pressure medication so get clearance from your doctor first.

The Cost

A bottle of 120 softgels sells for $18.90 on the website, reduced from the normal price of $27.95. As a 4-month’s supply, it represents value for money.

Is There a Guarantee?

A 100% money back guarantee applies if you return the product within 90 days. However, it is not clear if you can return used bottles and partially used bottles, or only unopened ones.

The Conclusion of Our Healthy Choice Naturals Omega Naturals Fish Oil 1000 Review

There are adequate doses of EPA/DHA in this supplement, so  you should not need to take more than 1 capsule per day, unless so directed by your doctor or if your symptoms are advanced. You should experience improved heart, brain and joint health as well as more vitality and improved memory.

However, we can’t find independent factual evidence to concur with the manufacturer’s claim that it it is 230% stronger than other fish oil supplements. We have researched omega supplements extensively, and came across ones containing higher 400mg/300mg percentages of EPa and DHA respectively. Even if, in this supplement, the stated amounts of EPA and DHA were included apart from the 1000mg fish oil and not as a composite part of it, we still cannot see how the claim would hold true. In fact, there are several Omega-3 supplements that contain higher EPA/DHA fatty acid percentages than is contained in these Healthy Choice Natural capsules. This is either an oversight, exaggerated claim or false claim by Healthy Choice, which makes us hesitant to recommend this supplement. It calls into question what else is an oversight or exaggerated.

Brought to you by the health experts at Consumer Health Review.

About Sari Thomson