AZO Yeast Plus Review

AZO Yeast Plus Review

AZO Yeast Plus

AZO Yeast Plus













            This review is going to take a closer look at AZO Yeast Plus. This product contains a dual action formula that is geared to tackle symptoms that are caused by both vaginal and yeast infections. It also contains probiotics to support overall vaginal health. The manufacturer claims that it is a homeopathic medicine which comes in the form of capsules that are designed to be consumed orally. If you continuously take this product it can relieve vaginal itching and burning and will relive occasional vaginal discharge and odor. They claim that their ingredients are all recognized by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the U.S.

            What’s in AZO Yeast Plus?

            • Candida Albicans 30X
            • Kreosotum 30X
            • Natrium Muriaticum 12X
            • Sulphur 12X

            Inactive Ingredients: Dicalcium phosphate, fractionated coconut and palm kernel oil, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

            All of these ingredients have been shown to have properties that will relieve vaginal itching, burning, odor and discharge.

            How Do You Use AZO Yeast Plus?

            AZO recommends that you take one tablet three times a day for as long as your symptoms last. For occasional support, you can take one tablet a day.

            AZO advises that you should contact a doctor before taking this product if this is the first time you are experiencing symptoms of a yeast infection, have abdominal pain, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, get recurring yeast infections, have been exposed to HIV or if you are pregnant or nursing.

            You should stop use if your symptoms do not improve within 3 days, last more than 7 days or if you get a rash, hives, abdominal pain, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting or foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

            The Cost

            This product is exclusively available to purchase through third-party retailers. We found it online for $11.49 through a third-party retailer. There are no bulk purchasing packages or discounts offered.

            Is There a Guarantee?

            The manufacturer asks you to request a return from the third-party retailer you purchased the package from. If they refuse to offer you a return, they will issue you a refund if you follow specific steps and complete the return within 90 days of your purchase. We recommend that you contact their customer service to inquire about their up to date return policy should you choose to move forward with this product.

            The Conclusion of Our AZO Yeast Plus Review

            This product appears to be a promising way to relieve symptoms of vaginal and yeast infections. It contains ingredients that have been shown to have properties that will help maintain a balance of vaginal yeast and bacteria and it comes in easy to swallow tablets. However, the manufacturer’s guarantee is weak and ambiguous and there are no bulk purchasing options. The consumer testimonials that we saw are mostly negative. Consumers claimed that they did not get relief from their yeast infection symptoms and others claimed that AZO switched their formula and the new one is weak and ineffective. Taking these factors into consideration, this product is not one that is worthwhile to try out or one that you can rely on to get real relief from symptoms of a vaginal or yeast infection.

            Brought to you by the health experts at Consumer Health Review.

            About Sari Thomson